

Holidays with the Halseys

We had a fabulous Christmas in Maryland.  It was SO much fun to spend almost two weeks just hanging out with the family, even if all the adults (4 couples + Byron's teenage sister) camped out in the basement together.  Actually that turned out to be really fun, especially since Byron and I were the only ones who got real mattresses while the other couples were relegated to air mattresses and camping pads.  I kept intending to give someone else a turn on the mattress... really guys!


We started the trip off with some pie-making with the pie-making extraordinaire herself, Mary (aka Grandma) Halsey.  It was funny that Libbi and I were the ones helping her since neither of us is a big pie fan.  It was my first time having pecan pie however, and I must say that it was delicious.

Fancy clothes...

Christmas day the kids looked so darn cute in their Sunday best.  I'm always jealous of those families that have the tradition of a fancy Christmas Eve or Christmas dinner.  Since this Christmas fell on a Sunday we had the chance to semi-fulfill my dream of a fancy dressed up Christmas.

My absolute favorite part of the trip was watching the cousins play together.  I grew up near many of my cousins so I have great memories of playing together often and it made me so happy to see how well the kids got along (...most of the time).  I love that Marianna has her arm around Averett... adorable!  Those two are just a few days apart in age.

Santa knows how to do stockings right at Grandma's house.  These things are HUGE!

 Best buds...

Ok, see why the cousins being together was my favorite part?  Could they be any cuter?  I love that little Hazel!!!


The kids had a bit of difficulty deciding what they wanted to play in the nativity (they switched costumes about 10 times each), but in the end, Miles was a sheep...

...and Byron and Lila were Joseph and Mary with Averett as baby Jesus.

Must have family shots...

 I have to admit that yes, I was the only one bundled up like that.  What can I say?  I'm a California girl.

Aunt Libbi...
My kids were IN LOVE with the newest addition to the family, Aunt Libbi.  They seriously couldn't get enough of her and I wish she lived near us so she could babysit every day.  I guess that's probably one reason she's glad she DOESN'T live near us.  Look how jealous Miles is in this photo where Lila is hugging Libbi.

Thank you Halsey family for having us for so long and making everything so fun.  We love you!!!


Dad, Mom and JT said...

Wonderful job. (I'll check for more tomorrow!)

Grouchy Grandpa

Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

Hi Ashley!!! What great pictures :) Your kids are adorable. Congratulations on the new baby!!! Looking forward to seeing more posts!
Love, Solange

Kara said...

Okay. Mikes and that bow tie? What a stud! So glad you had such a merry Christmas!

geri said...

Yea!!! I am so glad you're "back"! And please, Hazel keeps asking to go to Lila's house...we'll see... :)

sandi said...

ashley!! so good to see you at mandy's wedding! I felt like it was hard to talk with the live band blaring. Lila looks like a mini you in that last picture...your family is adorable!! Maybe i will see you guys at ashley's wedding in a few weeks:)