

Big Brother

Miles has been so fun (and hard) lately.  He is definitely a two year old!  I have so much fun hanging out with him on the two mornings a week Lila is in preschool.  Here we are spending the day at SeaWorld together.  What a handsome little guy!

Lately he is super into "bad guys" or "mean guys" as he sometime calls them and is obsessed with all forms of weaponry (knives, swords, and "shoot guns").  The other day Lila told us she wants to be a teacher when she grows up and when we asked Miles what he wanted to be, he said a bad guy.  Oh boy.  It is so true that little boys can turn anything into a weapon, but yes, I did give in and buy him a pirate set from the dollar store one morning after he kept begging and begging for me to get him a sword.  

Miles wants me to read our Baby Bible and children's Book of Mormon reader all day long every day lately and guess why... there is a sword, knife, or spear on pretty much EVERY PAGE!  Never noticed it until my weapon obsessed little boy started pointing every one out.  He always wants to know who the good guys and bad guys are in each picture.  I guess it's not a bad thing when your kid throws a fit for you to read him the scriptures, even if it's just to see pictures of swords, right???

Just a cute beach-day pic.

This two year old gave up naps several months ago... for the most part.  Poor mommy.

Miles is quite the little artist.  He can draw circles and even people pretty well for a kid his age.  In fact, he started drawing recognizable people just a few weeks after Lila did!  It's cute to see how each child has their own talents.

He is 100% boy so we don't mind when he decides to wear a tutu or princess dress-up.  The other day he was asking me over and over to borrow my lip gloss and I kept telling him no because he tends to use WAY too much (and had just ruined a whole tube of my lipstick the day before).  Finally in exasperation he said, "But I not bootiful!"

Yes you are Miles, you are bootiful just as you are, even without lip gloss.


Shona Tavitian said...

LOL Miles cracks me up!!! It's so funny how little boys will turn anything into a weapon! It must be in their DNA or something.

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Miles is adorable!! I love the I wanna be a bad guy when he grows up bit. Lets hope not right?! lol! man crazy how different boys are but so much fun to get to experiance both worlds. Ill be there soon. So different then the girl mom world i've been living in :)