

Big Sister x 2

Lila is such a sweetheart.  I love, love, love that little girl!  She's the cutest big sister to Cal and wants to snuggle, hold, and talk baby talk to him all the time.  Isn't it so cute how your kids talk to babies the same way you do?  She uses the same phrases and voice I do when talking to Cal.  It melts my heart.

Lila is totally over her shy phase and LOVES playing with friends and especially having them over to our house.  Listening to little girls play make believe is such a crack up!  It works out perfectly because Miles loves to be a bad guy and little girls love to run away from the bad guy... he chases her and her friends all around the house growling and brandishing whatever pretend weapon he can find.

She is a total animal lover and goes right up and hugs and nuzzles her face into every dog (or horse?) we run into.  She even loves fake animals (see whale statue below... we couldn't pull her away).

 A wise woman (a worker at Home Depot) once told me that no matter how much you don't want your kids to grow up or how sad you are they aren't a baby or little or whatever anymore, they just continue to get cuter and cuter no as they get older.  That's definitely true with Lila.  I love that girl more every day!

1 comment :

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Love this!! What a cutie! I love the pic of her hugging the horse! Soooo sweet!