


When you have a little girl, it's inevitable.  She WILL cut her own hair.  And you will freak out about it.  My time came a few weeks ago.  

Here's what I heard: "Mommy, come look what I did!" in a sweet sing-songy voice.

Here's what I saw:


And I totally flipped out.  Not in an angry way, but in a I-love-my-little-girls-long-hair-and-I-can't-believe-it's-sitting-there-on-the-table-not-attached-to-her-head kind of way.  Poor Lila saw my reaction and bawled uncontrollably for fifteen minutes to the point of almost hyperventilating.  I felt so bad!

Admittedly, it could have been worse.  MUCH worse.  She could have cut it to the scalp.  In reality, all she did was the prep work for this adorable little hair-do my friend Kristi gave her the next week.

Bye bye hair.  I thought I would miss you so much more than I do.  Lila looks awfully cute without you weighing her down.


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Lila is adorable with any hair do!!! And yes it most definitely could have been much much worse!!! She looks adorable with her new do!!

Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

She looks so cute!!! I haven't cut Caity's hair yet since I am terrified to do it. BUT, I guess I should before she decides to do it herself!

Shona Tavitian said...

I love Lila's haircut!! It's been forever since I've seen her but it looks like it fits her personality ;)