

Last year in my 20's

Last month I turned 29.  Luckily for me, I'm not worried at all about turning 30 so I won't have any problem enjoying 29 to its fullest.  Thirty doesn't really seem old to me (maybe because I'll be there in a year!), it just seems like the door to a new chapter in life.  In fact, I think it will be exciting to have a whole new decade of adventures ahead of me.  In the meantime, I'm planning to enjoy the end of this decade of life in style... and boy did it start out with some style.

When I went to drop Lila off at school on the 18th, I found this sweet note from my hubby taped to the rearview mirror.  It was so fun to look forward to the surprise all day.  I absolutely loved the anticipation for the big reveal.

The "familiar event of enchantment, intrigue, and romance" ended up being a Brad Paisley concert!  He is by far my favorite country singer.  We'd been to one of his concerts when we lived in Peoria so we knew that he's amazing live.  Byron even had some brie, crackers, and sparkling pink lemonade for a little pre-concert tailgate.  

Me with the amazing hunk of a man I married.  

I should probably be embarrassed about this part of the story, but I want to remember it and I don't keep a journal, so oh well.  The night before my birthday we stayed up late watching TV and eating popcorn.  I was so tired that I just plopped into bed without brushing my teeth (which I very, very rarely do).  Byron got into bed and asked if I was going to brush my teeth.  When I said no, he acted kind of weird and couldn't believe I wasn't going to brush after eating popcorn.  This is from the man who only brushed his teeth once a day (in the morning) when we got married.  After he kept going on and on I told him that I DEFINITELY wasn't going to brush my teeth after the big deal he was making of it.  And I wonder where my kids get their stubborn streak from!  He started laughing and I finally realized something was up and I better go check the medicine cabinet to see what was going on.  

Sure enough, he had hidden a very sweet birthday card in there telling me there would be a scavenger hunt awaiting when he got home from work the next day.  I had quite the time figuring out the first clue and Byron told me he was going to have to "dumb them down" for me if I couldn't get the easiest one.  Ha!

The kids helped hide all the clues and presents around the house for the scavenger hunt so they had an absolute blast helping me go on a "treasure hunt."  The presents were all really thoughtful and from my favorite store--Target.  This may have been the best birthday I've ever had (Well except my 16th, which my mom went ALL OUT for.  We had a DJ in my backyard and I got a car... awesome, right?)  

The night was topped off by birthday smiles from this little bundle of cuteness...

 ...and a birthday cake with these two sweethearts (#1 sweetheart not pictured).

Byron set the bar so high that maybe I'll just give up trying to compete and just get him a card for his birthday ; )

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