

Halloween Week!

We took part in so many fun Halloween activities the past week that by the time the 31st actually came, it seemed like Halloween had already passed.  Last weekend we went up to visit my dad and attend good 'ol Redondo 2nd's party, which did not disappoint.  A donut eating contest, face painting, games, trunk or treating--it was a kid's Halloween paradise!  And it's always so fun to visit my old ward and catch up with the fabulous people I grew up with.

The weather was so nice that we even snuck in some slip-n-slide surfing!  To all those people who always tell us we have to get Miles into surfing because his hair necessitates it: there you go... we're starting him early!

On Monday my friend Elizabeth invited us over to her house for a super fun Halloween play date.  She's one of those people who you know will never disappoint.  The snacks were great, the games were fun, and the company was fabulous.  You know you've partied hard when you fall asleep with a lollipop in your mouth on the car ride home.

Monday night was pumpkin carving.  The kids did a great job!

Our ward's Trunk-or-Treat was Tuesday night and since they had already worn their costumes several times and had plans to wear them again the next day, the kids decided to switch it up and go as a ballerina and Spiderman (Miles has an awesome double sided batman/spiderman cape and mask).  Who knew Miles would look so good in tights?!?

Byron knows how to get in the Halloween spirit.  Poor Cal has such a scary daddy.

I coordinate a weekly playgroup for our ward and since today was Halloween I decided to make some festive treats and plan a few games and a craft.  I think everyone had a good time, but I of course forgot to take pictures.  Here's the post-party evidence that the little shindig was a success.

Our completed jack-o-lanterns lighting our porch on Halloween night. 

Supergirl and batman!


And there's Robin too!


The kids had fun trick-or-treating but I think they still like handing out candy even more than getting it.  Hope that lasts at least a few more years!

What a fun week it's been.

1 comment :

Taylor said...

The costumes are seriously soooo darling!!!! I'm so impressed with your cute little treats! Someday when Marianna cares about stuff like that I'll have to get creative like you! That little picture of Robin-Cal is so sweet!