

Christmas Break

We are so lucky that Byron gets off the week between Christmas and New Year's every year.  Usually we spend the week with family, but since we didn't go to Maryland this year and both of my parents were working all week except Christmas day, we spent our time going on fun outings around town.  It was really relaxing and so, so much fun.  One of the best weeks I've had in a long time.  We were all so sad when Byron had to go back to work last Thursday and tomorrow Lila starts back to Kindergarten.  I'll miss being with my sweet girl all day!

Lila found a "matching" outfit for her and her new doll "Sandra."

We had a fun picnic in the backyard.

The kids had several sleepovers in the family room by the Christmas tree.

Zoo Day.

+ train ride & carousel outside of the zoo.

Driving to the different Christmas displays around town.

Temple Christmas lights.

San Diego Big Bay Balloon Parade.  The staging area was in the Solar Parking lot so we parked RIGHT next to the balloons.  So fun!

Beach day on Coronado.

Where someone found this giant hermit crab and let us play with it.

And this girl reminded us all how gorgeous she is.

New Year's Eve with the Doots!  Snacks, candy, ice cream sundaes, sparkling cider, a glowstick dance party, sparklers, fancy masks... we had it all.  Unfortunately my full group shots didn't turn out.

La Jolla Cove tidepools and seals (+ my GIANT stomach!)

By far the closest we've ever gotten to the seals.  The tide was so low that we could climb around to where they were hanging out on the rocks.  Lila insisted on getting so close that this guy eventually let out some warning noises informing us we needed to keep our distance!

Cookies at our favorite Girard Gourmet in the village after.

 Date night: Dinner and Saving Mr. Banks with my love.  Doesn't get much better than that.

1 comment :

Dad, Mom and JT said...

Great Post! (After seeing this I won't miss the Bates Nut Farm)