

Photo overload

Just a cute face and some grapes, that's all...

...a day of overcoming fears at Sea World.  After Lila went to say hi to the penguin, Miles actually said he WANTED to give him a HUG!  I didn't think he really would if we went back, but we did anyway and Miles really did hug the penguin!  Huge step for him...

...Lila climbed this big kids rope area at Sea World all by herself for the first time.  She was so brave!  Last time we went, I climbed behind her, carrying Miles the whole way and helping her up too and there's no way I was going to attempt that again at 7 months pregnant.  Go Lila! (can you find her in the pic?) ...

...cousin baby Maisie arrived!  Look at that HAIR! Adorable...

... yum...

...we don't go out NEARLY enough, and I absolutely love when we do.  I have THE BEST hubby!  Just don't look too deeply into Byron's eyes or you'll fall into a trance ...

... date night is even better when you spend it with a group of fun friends...

... Lila is big on asking me to take pictures of her lately.  She comes up with quite the poses, and even sometimes includes props...

...Cute new hair-do...

... Miles also gets in on demanding picture taking sometimes as well.  We have a fun time together while Lila is at preschool...

... checking out Shamu with cute Joshy, Miles' buddy.  Are we spoiled in San Diego, or what? ...

... hula hoops at a birthday party, what a great idea! ...

... a very cute princess castle cake ...

... we finally renewed our zoo passes after lapsing for the past year.  Yay! Every time Miles gets a goat to eat a piece of straw he yells out in the most excited voice he can muster "he eat it!" ...

... I can't believe they wanted to pose in there.  They're both terrified of bugs, or as Miles calls all bugs, "bees"...

... funny thing is they both cared less about looking at the real polar bears, but they sure loved these shiny ones!  Same story with the gorilla statues ...

I need to blog more because posting all the activities we've been up to makes me realize our life isn't as blah as it sometimes seems.  I don't know how I manage to forget all the fun we have.

Life is good!


Kara said...

Cute pics! Where is that piece of cake from? Yum!

Will said...

Can you ask Byron if they make that acid washed denim members-only jacket in a 4XL?? I need one asap!