

Welcome Home

Goodbye tubes, tape, and a little baby face that makes your heart sad...

Goodbye industrial crib, loud beeping equipment, and nurses coming and in and out all day and night...

Goodbye only being able to be together as a family two times in the first month of Cal's life...

Hello baby's first car ride (on his way home)!

Hello baby taking a nap on daddy's chest while we relax on the couch and watch TV!

Hello spending time together all day and not trekking back and forth to the hospital!

Hello baby's first walk on the pier (even if he didn't actually see anything... he enjoyed the smell of the salty air, I'm sure)!

Hello baby wrapped up in his own blankets, sleeping in his co-sleeper next to mommy and daddy's bed!

Hello baby right where you should be in mommy's arms after nursing (my favorite)!

 Finally home!!!!


Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

So sweet! I'm glad your family is finally together :)

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

YEA!!! So happy for you guys and your little Cal! So glad he's finally home!

Lela Boyd said...

So so so so so happy for you!!! Now you can nurse and snuggle and nurse all day! The best! Can't wait to meet him :)

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Awwwww this made me tear up! I'm so happy for Cal to be home and you can all be a family together. Enjoy all your sweet newborn all day sniuggle time. Be lazy and stay in bed with that sweet baby cal!! This post is the greatest!!!

Shona Tavitian said...

Welcome home baby Calvin <3

Kellie said...

Congratulations on having your baby home! I'm sure you appreciate it so much more than other moms would.

Amy said...

I am so glad he is home with you! What a sweet, handsome little guy. I hope we get to meet him sometime soon.