

Best Buds

There's a reason I wanted to have my first two kids so close together.  I'm so glad my plan is working out so far.  These two really are best buds.

Doesn't washing the car in the driveway as a family just make you feel like you should be on a cheesy, happy family TV show or something?  Maybe it's just me.

 Lila wanted desperately to wear a nightgown.  Well, she didn't have any at the time so I improvised and then Miles of course wanted one like his sister.

This is what goes on while we're sitting at the table eating dinner "as a family."  At least they were on the ground next to the table instead of in the other room.  We'll take what we can get!

We were feeding the ducks at a no-swimming lake.  They are both fully clothed, including shoes.  Oh well.


Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

Great pictures :)

geri said...

Love it! Yes! I totally get that cheesy feeling when we are working in the yard together - cue music!

geri said...

Um...wait, did I just write CUE? BAH AHA HA HA! I'm tired :)