

A few tricks up her sleeve

Lila is becoming quite talented, so I thought in honor of her almost first birthday, I'd tell you all about some of her many tricks:
  • She loves dancing and has some pretty good moves, including her famous head bob.
  • She can make smooching sounds with her lips (like a kiss) and click her tongue. She does it all the time just to make us laugh.
  • She loves clapping.
  • She's pretty good at waving whenever we ask her to or just when we say "bye bye."
  • She sometimes kisses her baby doll (well I'm not sure if she's tasting it or kissing it, but I like to think the latter).
  • I mentioned it in the last post, but she cruises ALL around the house. She doesn't even need furniture anymore, she'll just lean on a wall and then start walking from room to room through doorways and around corners holding on to the wall.
  • She has quite a sense of humor and makes the funniest "jokes" (like making weird noises and then laughing hysterically with us repeated over and over again).
  • She can throw and sometimes "catch" a ball.
  • Her first word is "duck," not dada or mama. She loves birds and especially ducks. You should see how crazy she goes over seagulls at the beach. She practically goes into convulsions and hyperventilation with excitement!
  • I think there are more...I'm going to ask Byron what I missed when he gets home from work : )


Shona Tavitian said...

so she went from being a closet crawler to an expert walker within a few days?! :)

I'm so sorry that we are missing her birthday party. Let's get together real soon. Maybe September??

Tracy said...

oh my gosh, she could not be any cuter!!

Thats So You said...

She is SO beautiful! And what a FUN little personality!!

Shelly and Scott said...

What a cutie pie. Love that photo. I love that her 1st work is duck. Kids are so funny. Happy Birthday Lila. Have a great birthday party. Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

She is so sweet I am excited to see her on her birthday..
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