


Lila had her second major boo boo incident two days before her birthday. She was standing up at the table cruising around as usual and I was sitting on the couch right next to her when she suddenly lost her footing and fell and knocked her forehead right on the handle of a drawer on our coffee table. I immediately scooped her up in my arms and blood was already streaming (ok streaming might be an exaggeration but there was enough blood to scare me) out of her forehead and turning her hair red. I DO NOT do well in these type of situations so I immediately started freaking out and called Byron and my mom to ask them what I should do. I put pressure to her head of course, but it was really hard because naturally she didn't want me pushing on her owie. Byron rushed home from work to see how bad it was, but I guess heads just bleed a lot because in the end, it only left a little mark on her forehead. She did have little cut on her head for all her birthday pictures though. Good thing I didn't call an ambulance like I wanted to : )

Hopefully some day I'll learn to stay more calm when my kids get hurt!

1 comment :

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

OUCHIE! Yikes! I'm the same way though, totally freak out WAY too much but I just can't help it! :)