

My not so little girl

Lila is sleeping in a "big girl bed" for the first time tonight. I can't believe it. Yes, it's about time that Miles get a crib in his room instead of a pack and play (hey, at least he got it before he turned a year old, right?), but this seems like a huge milestone for some reason. Somehow she still seemed like my baby when we put her to bed in a crib every night.

Is there any phrase less trite than "they grow up too fast" that has the same meaning?

1 comment :

Amy said...

They do grow up too fast. It's funny how you look back and can't believe they were ever that small and this is coming from a mother whose oldest is 4! Imagine when they're 18! And then there are those moments you don't think they'll ever grow up (as you're cleaning up the thousandth spill or the thousandth dirty diaper of the day or whatever lovely chore comes to mind).