

The many faces of Byron Halsey

Byron has no problem growing a beard. If he doesn't shave for a few days, he's well on his way. So you can imagine what he looked like after a couple of months of not shaving.

Did any of you know that beards are stinky? I don't think it's a well-known fact, but they are. And I don't think it's really preventable unless the beardee washes it 5-7 times per day. That's a lot of washing. And you know what beards smell like? Barf. Yep, that's right. All the tiny little food particles and saliva in there smell like throw-up. I know it's gross, but I just have to explain why I kept begging Byron to shave his beard. It's not just that it makes him look a lot older, like a lumberjack, or even that it's scratchy, it's that his beard really stinks... literally.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a before picture, but here are some of the many faces of my handsome husband. I must say I prefer his usual stubble slightly growing in because he hasn't shaved for a day or two look.

And on to the photos...

Living out a portion of his dream to be a civil war reenactor:

This face is just SO Byron:

He was seriously considering leaving it this way.

Hmm... what could some pomade on the ends of the moustache and a little twisting of the fingers do?

Is it possible not to laugh at this picture?

Sorry for the semi-nude photos. He usually takes his shirt off to get a hair cut or shave his beard. Keeps from getting all those poky little hairs in his shirt and he can jump straight in the shower.


Kristy said...


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Awesome! Those are great looks on Mr. Byron! I think the curled up Luigi mustache is my fav. I woulda love to see him show up somewhere with that thing on his face, like church or something and be totally serious that he was going for that look. So funny!!

Kara said...

I am laughing so hard right now. Thanks for the morning laugh. And gross about the beard being stinky. Eew!

Oh, and brad says no need to apologize for the semi nude photos. Hahahaha!!!

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Hahahahaha...oh my goodness! That is seriously hilarious and SOO disgusting about the stinkiness!!!

Lindsay said...

Thanks for following my life via blog and for your sweet comment. I DO remember you! You were a reliably capable missionary who was kind and didn't require special attention...was super nice and really cute! I tried to link your blog to mine a week ago---when I noticed your blog elsewhere and saw my name on it. I don't know if it worked-- I may not have saved it properly. But, I'll check and we can hang out if I'm ever near you. (California?- is that were you are?)

Anonymous said...

that first photo, he looks like ryan gosling from the notebook! :) glad to have found your blog! hope all is well!

sister kourtney doty from the mtc.