

They aren't lying...

... when they say kids grow up too fast.


 2 weeks old & 17 months old

3 months old & 20 months old

2 years old & 3 1/2 years old

Thank goodness I'm going to have another baby soon... hopefully it will make up for the fact that I can't stop these cuties from getting bigger.


Kara said...

That second picture!! Oh my word, I am laughing out loud right now. What a chub Miles was! I can't believe he was the same age as Lydia is now. Too cute!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Awwwww! So cute these progression pics in Lila's doll stroller. They really do grow up wwwwaaayy too fast :( love your sweet little munchkins! Can't wait to snuggle the newest! You and bryon make good ones :)

Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

That is very cute Ashley! What a great idea with using the doll stroller each time :)