


Byron's dad is a fancy shmancy judge for the VA (he's on the Board of Veteran's Appeals, but unluckily he doesn't wear a robe or white wig... I've always wanted to see him in that getup).  He has to travel to various locations around the country to hear cases and gets to put in for where he'd like to go, and lucky for us he's been able to come to San Diego every year since we've lived here.

It's really fun for the kids to get to have special time with Grandpa and I love seeing Byron and his dad interact because they are such good friends.  I hope our sons are like that with Byron when they are all grown up.

Sorry this picture is so dark.  We took him to Burger Lounge and he was happy to taste his first organic burger and his first turkey burger.  He always has a running commentary on California culture (according to Byron, it's kind of a joke in the rest of the country), so I knew this trendy spot would be perfect for him.

We spent a beautiful warm day hiking through Torrey Pines state park down to the beach.

The day was warm, the water was not.  Byron was the only one brave enough to venture into the water with the kids.  It literally made my feet tingle and burn just to have the water wash over them.  How is it that kids are never affected by water temperature?  Is there any science to explain that phenomenon?

A big rocky outcropping at the beach has this huge, pool-like hole in the middle.  It definitely seems man-made because the edges are just too straight.  Still really cool and fun for the kids though.

Grandpa of the year award for painting Lila's fingers AND toes.

Thanks for visiting Grandpa Halsey and come back soon!


Kristy said...

Your family is so cute! CA is beautiful! I miss it!

Laura Taylor said...

Great post! that last photo is PRICELESS!

Dad, Mom and JT said...

In case anyone was wondering, Miles was not waiting his turn to have nails painted. He and I went 3 rounds on the mat instead.


PS I hope everyone remains well after eating all that organic Californian food. Looking forward to my next San Diego trip. . .