


Dear Halsey side of the Family who don't have smartphones yet,

Please get smart phones and install the Instagram app.  Then you can see cute pictures of our kids almost daily.  Or check Facebook because I usually post my Instagram pictures there too.  I know I have to keep my promise and blog at least two times a month this year (sorry, I think I may have already failed... I'll do better!), but maybe Santa will get you new phones for Christmas and then you can instantaneously follow our oh-so-exciting lives on the little screen in your pocket whenever you desire.  Oh, and we're not the only ones in the family posting either!  Trust me, it's such a fun and easy way to stay in touch.  Way cooler than blogging.  And we know you're all about the cool factor.  And we want to see pictures of you guys too.  It's way easier than blogging, so I bet you'll actually post some!  We miss you and want to visit soon.  Also, we really enjoyed reading your letter today dad.


The blogger in the family

P.S.--I think you can Instagram on an i-pod touch too, so you might not even need a new phone, just a fancy i-pod.  Ask Dan about it.

Here are a some recent instagrams (and a non-instagram photo or two thrown in there as well):



geri said...

Love it!

Dad, Mom and JT said...

Thanks for the photos. Everyone looks great, especially the pumpkin sitter!

Laura Taylor said...

ah yes the ipod will insta! it takes a little more work but both me and laura use that account so we are loving keeping in touch!