

Pumpkin Patch

We went up to the pumpkin patch at Bates Nut Farm in Vista this past weekend. I've been hearing how fun it is for the past two years and it lived up to its reputation. We had a blast!

A lot of the pictures were just too cute not to share so I had to return from my blogging hiatus, even if only for a day.

Also, just FYI, they don't actually grow nuts there. They just pack them. Yes, we asked as I'm sure many people do. Apparently they did grow walnuts at one time though.

We did have a little "mishap" on the way up there. Miles fell asleep right away and Lila was happily reading books so we thought we were home free on the long drive when suddenly Lila said, "I smell something" and proceeded to vomit ALL OVER herself and her car seat. Do you think she actually smelled the barf before it came out? She inherited car sickness from both of her parents so we should've known better than to let her read while driving. We were already half way there and Lila was super excited about the pumpkin patch so we didn't want to turn back. We stopped at a Burger King parking lot, baby wiped the car seat the best we could, dumped Lila's barfy clothes in a Burger King trash bag in the trunk, and proceeded on our way. Of course it was a little too cold for Lila to walk around outside with no clothes on, so we called my parents who were kind enough to look up the closest Target on the internet and stay on the phone with us giving directions until we got there. Sometimes I really wish we had phones with internet!

It all turned out in the end though because our detour let Miles get the longer nap that he needed and Lila ended up with a super cute outfit for our pumpkin patch pictures.

Miles is meant to be a farmer. He loved chewing on straw the whole time.

Lila has always wanted to ride a pony every time she's seen them at the fair or anywhere else but in reality she's always been too scared. This time she was super brave and actually did it! We were soooo proud of her as she is quite the scardey cat. There are cuter pictures than this of her riding on Johnny the pony but her proud face is just priceless.

We also fed some baby goats, chickens, a pig, and a scary black sheep that was trying to hoard all the food and scare the kids (well I guess it probably wasn't trying to scare them).

We also got to hold a baby bunny. We got nervous the animals were being abused when we saw an animal control guy looking around but I saw him mouth the words "Everything looks ok" so I didn't feel bad buying a ticket to the petting area.

Hay ride.

Lila picked out the perfect pumpkin right away. Just her size.

Then Miles found one just his size.

And another.

What a fun family outing!


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Sad she threw up in the car...but her cute 2nd outfit made for a picture perfect family pic. I'm glad you tried Bates, I love it and we didn’t stray again this year. Feels so festive up there. Did you try the corn baked potato?? It’s amazing! Yum-o.

Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

SUCH cute pictures!!!! The one of Miles on that massive pumpkin is to die for adorable!! I love the new outfit Lila got too :) Skyla gets car sick super easy too and ends up throwing up a lot when we're driving!