

Stage Mom

Lila had her first ballet performance a few weeks ago and I swear I felt myself turning into a stage mom.  I always make fun of those crazies on Toddlers and Tiaras but apparently I totally have it in me to become one of them.  Don't worry though, Lila won't be getting a flipper or a spray tan anytime soon.

Lila seemed a bit nervous at first.  She wouldn't talk much and pretty much sat waiting like a deer in the headlights.

I think I promised her a piece of candy to get her to smile for this picture.

But once she got up on the stage, she was ready to go and nothing but smiles.  

She did soooooo great and it's true that nothing beats watching your baby up there on stage performing her little heart out.  

Don't all these different curtsies crack you up?  I don't think that little girl in the back ended up falling down, but it sure looks like she's going to, doesn't it?

Great job Lila Janey!


Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said...

So So sweet!!!

Shona Tavitian said...

That's adorable!!! ...and Ashley, I can totally picture you as a stage mom!! {but not in a bad, crazy way haha}