

Mom Salute: Geri

Geri with her newest addition, Olive Zenna
(Photographed by her husband Seth)

When I think of mothers I admire, my beautiful sister-in-law Geri immediately comes to mind. She lives outside of Baltimore, Maryland with her husband and four cute kiddos. They recently welcomed their newest little bundle, Olive Zenna, last month. She's a talented hair stylist, crafter, and seamstress extraordinaire, and she has the best pirate joke repertoire of anyone I know.

I asked Geri's husband and sisters to share a bit about what makes her a wonderful woman and mama.

Her sister Karen said:

"Geri loves, loves loves her kids. She finds the humor in the things that they do and manages the chaos of four little kids with ease. She battled through four really tough pregnancies [nine straight months of all day vomiting] to get them here and I know she would do it all over again.   
"Geri strives to make her home a place that is comfortable not only for her family, but for all of the friends, neighbors, extended family, and travelers that show up on her doorstep with short notice.  She is a great tour guide, with or without the kids in tow. She's always up for just about anything.  
"I've never met someone who is a better friend. She reaches out to her friends and has stayed in close contact with so many even though they are separated by several states. She has seen many of her friends through their very worst times and still loves them.  
"Geri has a huge heart. She loves to serve others and see what she can to do make their day a little better. I love this little sister of mine. She is such an example to me."

Geri's sister Kellie wrote:

"A few years ago I packed up my two boys and flew across the country to visit my sister and her family.  Despite the fact that we now had a group consisting of three adults and five children ranging from seven years old down to six months, Geri loaded us up in the minivan and we set off to explore the sites. For several days she acted as tour guide, super star aunt, bestie-sister, and loving mother and wife. I was so impressed with her ability to manage the logistics of maneuvering our group from place to place and her ability to keep her sanity with a six month old in tow (and let's face it - the rest of us too)!
"After that experience, I had a new appreciation for my little sister. She seemed to grow up right before my eyes. I have watched her with wonder for the past seven years as she has matured from an anxious new mother to a happy, satisfied mom. I watch her little family and see relationships developing between her children - friendships that will last forever and that have been cultivated by a loving mom. I see a mom who loves cheering on her kids at swim team, soccer and T-ball.  I see a mom who takes quiet, snuggly moments and leaves the dishes for later. I see a mom who encourages her daughter to be a strong, secure lady while teaching her boys the art of being little gentlemen.  With the addition of her fourth child a few weeks ago, I see a mom who is holding onto every precious moment and relishing the role of being a mother. 
"Geri is a great example of creating and developing a loving family.  I am so proud to have her as a positive influence in my life. Watching her reminds me of what is important and to put family first - to put relationships and memories first."

Her husband Seth, who I know absolutely adores her and truly believes she is the best mom on the planet, shared this touching tribute:

"[Geri's] desire to be a good mother is so great that most of the time she feels like she's not doing enough for or with the kids, but in reality she is going above and beyond. Like siting with [our daughter] last night to go over homework for an hour with a fussy baby in her arms or staying up all night to sew quilts for the kids that are put together with love, tears, and a broken sewing machine.  
"... Having multiple young kids can be hard. During the hard times is when Geri has a sense of perspective that transcends and tempers the difficulties of the moment, like when it's 3am and two kids have already soaked different parts of their rooms with urine, the baby is crying for her second feeding of the night, and the one kid that stayed dry is having a night terror and trembling and screaming. Geri has the ability to see past that and focus on what is important, which is not always clear to me in the moment.  
"Geri is a great mother and I thank God that she is the mother of my children."

I can give a whole-hearted amen to all that Geri's husband and sisters said about her. She's a shining example of a woman who is willing to sacrifice her own wants and needs to put others first. 

And anyone who can make it through vomiting for nine months straight during four pregnancies within seven years certainly deserves a #momsalute!

***Is there a mom in your life who deserves to be publicly recognized for the good she is doing, big or small? We publish a salute to one woman each week, so if there's a mom you'd like to give a public shoutout, let us know! It could be your own mother, sister, sister-in-law, wife, friend, neighbor, or even a stranger you witnessed rocking motherhood on the playground or in the aisles of Target.

Join me in saluting some of the amazing moms out there!****

1 comment :

kellie said...

Love you Geri! You are the best!